Alumni Affairs
To foster a long term commitment amongst OLFU graduates; to offer support for and participation in the University’s Mission and Vision and its continued growth, through programs that encourage engagement with and promote pride with Our Lady of Fatima University Objectives: a) to develop and enhance OLFU ‘s relationship with its alumni through programs that: Encourage alumni to identify themselves with the University, Generate and sustain interest and participation in OLFU affairs, and Inspire alumni to contribute to the development of OLFU and the promotion of its good name and reputation, locally and internationally b) To establish and maintain an alumni structure that unifies programs and activities among individual college units/chapters consistent with the OLFU’s vision and mission. c) To strengthen ties between the university and alumni and encourage them to participate in the various cultural and social activities that promote and enhance OLFU’s relationship with its adopted communities. d) To provide a focal point of contact among alumni through the implementation of: a program of alumni reunions, homecomings and similar events; a printed and electronic communications that disseminate relevant university and alumni news. e) to sponsor programs that create opportunities for alumni re-training and self-development. f.) to develop programs that tap alumni resources in sponsoring financially challenged students.